We naturally think very carefully about the earth and its future. Due to climate change, we are aware that we must not only be careful with the vineyards but also with the wine making process itself and everything that goes with it to finally bring the wine bottle to your table.
Such as for example the use of water in the vineyard or in the wine cellar, the transport of the bottles, the labels, the weight of the bottle, the closure. These are all elements that you as a winemaker can and should think about. At GENERATION.wine, all these issues have been carefully examined and subsequently developed sensibly and sustainably.
Of course, these are all time-consuming and substantial investments for a wine company, but it is disproportionate to the importance it serves. And we don’t like to sit still in this area. We will continue to develop to optimize our contribution to a sustainable world.
Q: Sustainable is of course a nice concept. But how can you contribute as a wine lover?
A: We are delighted that you as a wine lover also pay attention to everything you buy and drink in order to be able to contribute your own “sustainable” part. If you buy a bottle of Generation wine, then you know for sure that you are contributing to a sustainable planet.